Thursday September 9th-
Well we went to the Dr and found out some good news and some bad.
Good news first- Braden looks great! besides having a big head ranking in the 93rd percentile, he looks perfect! His heart has all four chambers and he has all 10 fingers and 10 toes. No markers for any kind of chromosomal abnormalities and his heartbeat is around 144bpm.
Now the bad news- I was diagnosed with placenta previa. Basically this means that my placenta is lying low and covers the cervix. It does have a chance of migrating but as of now it is covering almost 100% of my cervical opening so that means not so much of a chance of migrating. If it continues to stay low I may be put on bedrest and more than likely am going to have to have a Csection. There is always the possibility of hemorrhaging before or after having baby Braden.
My biggest concern is having to be on bedrest. I have a friend that was on bedrest for 16 weeks. I know if its for the safety of baby and myself I would definitely be ok with that. 16 weeks seems like a lifetime! I just want baby to be healthy and not have any complications. So far I am feeling great and no contractions or bleeding yet. Just taking it one day at a time. I am so thankful for this precious gift and will do whatever it takes to have a safe delivery, even if it means 16 weeks of bedrest and a csect. =)
Above are some pictures of baby at 19.5 weeks
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