Tuesday, December 7, 2010

31 week update

December 1st, 2010- 31 week Drs appointment

Well we had a follow up ultrasound to check measurements and the fluid in Bradens kidney is resolved! Thank you God! We are stillllll previa, with low hopes that it will resolve. The Dr said if it hasn't resolved by now there is a 90 percent chance that it wont. Which is okay. We are talking C-section at 38 1/2 weeks which will be around Jan 18-23. The doc said I have "too much amniotic fluid" which I replied, "hey its better than too little right?". She said "RIGHT" but we don't want to have TOO much in there stretching everything out..... No wonder my belly is HUGE! a BIG ole baby with a LOT of swimming pool! He is still measuring big. He weighs 4 lb 10 oz. The average size is about 3.3lbs. His head is still measuring 98th percentile (38 weeks) when I'm only 31. But no fluid in his brain so no hydrocephalus. Which is again great news. I did find out some disappointing news...Due to being a "complicated pregnancy" that means NO travelling for me! I was supposed to be a bridesmaid in my childhood best friends wedding. Had to make the phone call to tell her I wont be able to make it because its in New Braunsfels. Doc said that long in the car is not good and she wants me to be close to home "just in case" something happens. I'm pretty bummed about it. Got my dress and all. Ashlee you are going to be GORGEOUS and I wish I could be there with you on your special day. I begin Maternity leave on Jan 12 and I started "light duty" at work which pretty much designates me to triage which is ok. By the end of this I will be BEGGING to get out of triage! There really isnt such thing as light duty in the Emergency Room but I'm just trying to take it easy so I won't have to be put on bedrest. Since we can't go to the wedding Trent and I are using that weekend as our last weekend together..No kids. That may be the last we get for a while! I'm starting to become more and more anxious for baby to arrive. Nerves, anxiety, emotions running like crazy! But most of all i'm excited to start this new journey as a MOMMY. Of course I have my step daughters and they are wonderful! But I've never had the "baby" experience and I am truly looking forward to it! My next appointment is Dec 16th and I know as each appointment approaches so does baby's arrival! thanks for reading friends and family! I love you more than you know!

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