Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Oh baby

35 week update-
Wellllllll most of you probably know whats going on because I can't help but update my fb status every 3 minutes. Monday was a tough day at work. My back started hurting (good ole sciatica) at about 3pm and by the time I got home I could barely walk. I layed down early for bed. Of course I woke up about 10 times to go to the bathroom and at about 500 tuesday morning I noticed some slight spotting. No bleeding just a little "pinkish" spotting. I called in to work because i knew with previa this was not good. I didnt want to rush to the hospital because I remember the doctor saying if I only had a little spotting to just stay in bed and get some rest. I called the dr around 830 and they recommended me to stay in bed and off my feet until my appointment on wednesday (which is today). I went to the dr and found out that of course, I am STILL previa (complete) with no chances left of it moving. I also still have polyhydramnios (too much amniotic fluid). Braden is still lying transverse with his head on my left and bottom on my right side which is probably the reason I'm so uncomfortable. Today during ultrasound Braden is approx. 7lbs 10 oz The doctor said a big baby+ too much fluid+ placenta previa puts me at VERY high risk for bleeding so she decided to put me on bedrest. Which is 2 whole weeks before I was going to take maternity leave. We went ahead and scheduled the csection for Jan 21 2010. I am to arrive at the hospital at 515 am and the csect is going to be at 0715 am. That means I have 3 weeks to wait for baby. I know its not long, and I know it will go by fast, but I am PASSED the point of anxious to meet him. The doctor doesnt think I'm going to make it to the 21st, but I am just glad I have made it this far! It has not been an easy road but i KNOW it will be worth it. I am going to try to fill my day with naps, reading, internet, movies, friends. So if ANY of you want to come visit you just go right ahead, just call first so I make sure i'm decent haha. Thanks for reading! I know most of my updates are a bore but It helps me pass the time.

1 comment:

  1. I just came across your blog from a friends. I enjoyed reading. Good luck in your final weeks!! Boys are fun :)
